When your teeth are misaligned, it can greatly reduce your self-confidence. Instead of letting your natural smile shine through, you hold in your joy so that others don’t see your imperfect teeth. Fortunately, for those who don’t want to deal with years of ugly metal braces, Invisalign can be a great alternative.

7 Ways Invisalign Excels Over Traditional Braces

1. They’re Virtually Invisible

Probably one of the most significant benefits that patients report about Invisalign is that it’s virtually invisible. Patients can be comfortable straightening their teeth without dealing with mounds of ugly metal. No one wants to smile and have a bunch of metal pieces shining through. It can easily detract from your looks and drastically reduce your self-confidence.

2. Eating is a Breeze

One of the worst reported parts about having traditional metal braces is that you have to be very mindful of the types of foods that you eat. Anything sticky, such as gum, can turn into a massive disaster of stickiness throughout your braces. Not only do you have to be careful when eating, but you have to be very thorough when cleaning your metal braces afterward.

With clear aligners, you don’t have this struggle or limitations to what you can eat. You can simply pop out the aligner trays and enjoy eating the foods that you love without any bit of worry. Once you’re done, you can easily brush your teeth and put your Invisalign aligners back in place. It’s truly simple to eat with Invisalign. They’re not a burden like traditional braces are when it comes to food.

3. Extremely Comfortable

Ask the best dentist in Surprise, and they’ll reveal that one of the most talked-about features of Invisalign from patients is how comfortable they are. Invisalign clear aligners are constructed of a smooth plastic material that is customized to fit comfortably near your gums. You’ll never have to worry about sharp wires, extruding edges, or any other discomforts that come along with traditional metal braces.

4. Less Maintenance

If you’ve ever talked to anyone who has gone through the chore of wearing metal braces, you know that they’ve spent a lot of time at the orthodontist. While you may love visiting your cosmetic dentist in Surprise, it’s likely that you don’t want to do so every couple of weeks to get regular adjustments on your braces. With Invisalign clear aligners, you only have to visit the dentist about every six weeks. This means less time spent on your braces and more time spent on living your daily life.

5. Much Easier to Clean

Clear aligners are super simple to clean and allow you to have a fresh feeling mouth. Since these aligner trays can easily be removed from your mouth, you can pop them out when it’s time to clean them. Instead of fooling around trying to get all the food and plaque particles from metal wire and other brace components, you can simply hold your aligner and brush it. Best of all, you can easily brush your teeth like normal when you have your clear aligners out. Invisalign makes it super easy to keep a clean mouth as compared to using metal braces.

6. No Orthodontic Emergencies

When you invest in metal braces, you can expect to have an orthodontic emergency or two throughout the process. Whether it’s a broken bracket or wire, you’ll have to visit your orthodontist to have it remedied. With clear aligners, you’ll never have to worry about experiencing any of these unpleasant dental emergencies. These clear aligner trays are unbreakable and have no other parts that can be damaged through regular use. Invisalign can truly provide you with peace of mind when it comes to your dental health and straightening your teeth in a safe and convenient fashion.

7. Ease of Removal

A great advantage that Invisalign clear aligners hold over traditional metal braces is that they can be removed at any point in time. Whether you’re eating lunch or joining in to play your favorite sport, you can pop your clear aligner trays out with ease. As soon as you’re done, you can put them back in without worrying about damaging them or changing the settings on your braces. Compare this to traditional braces where you can’t physically remove them without professional dental assistance, and it becomes clear which tooth straightening option is most convenient for your lifestyle.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to naturally have straight teeth. When you’re struggling with your smile, Invisalign clear aligners can be a great solution that allows you to straighten your teeth in a comfortable and effortless fashion. If you’re interested in giving these clear aligners a try, then contact West Bell Dental Care today to get the professional dental assistance that you need. You’ll be glad that you did when you’re able to look in the mirror and smile back at your smile.