Smiles speak volumes. Smiles can be inviting, supportive, or polite. However, the quality of any smile is linked to factors like the shape, denture, or color of your teeth and mouth. Oral hygiene involves measures to keep the mouth, tongue, and teeth clean to improve oral health. Preventive dental care improves oral health and systemic health since certain cardiovascular diseases and cancers have been linked to poor oral hygiene.Preventive dental care means that you take care of your teeth and thus keep them healthy. Taking excellent care of your teeth will go a long way to prevent dental caries, gum diseases like periodontitis, and enamel wear with subsequent tooth sensitivity. All these are impacting positively on your dental hygiene. Preventive dental care, as described by the American Dental Association (ASA), involves:

  • Teeth brushing after every meal using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing of the teeth
  • Regular visits to the dentist such as West Bell Dental Care, the best dentist in Surprise, AZ
  • Using a medicated mouthwash
  • Quitting smoking and if you do not smoke, then do not start
  • Having a balanced diet and drinking clean, pure water

How the Above Practices Impact Oral health?

Regular Teeth Brushing

Dental experts recommend that teeth be brushed at least twice daily and most importantly before bed. Brushing before bed using fluoride toothpaste helps eliminate micro-organisms that would otherwise cause plaque accumulation on the teeth and tooth decay. Additionally, oral bacteria are associated with gum disease. It is also essential to brush the tongue to stop bad breath and also stop plaque buildup.

An appropriate toothbrush is necessary. With the recommendation of a dentist, parents should pick out a toothbrush for children and always add a pea-sized amount of toothpaste with which their children will brush. Dentists encourage that you spit out excess toothpaste but do not rinse the mouth as this removes the fluoride that is essential for healthy teeth.

Flossing of The Teeth

Flossing helps remove tiny food particles in between teeth. While brushing the teeth alone cleans up to 60% of the mouth, flossing ensures that the teeth are clean and particle-free. Flossing also stimulates the gums, reduces plaque, and helps to lower inflammation if there is any on the gum.

Using a Medicated Mouthwash

Mouthwash helps to:

  • Reduce the amount of acid in the mouth
  • Clean the hard to brush areas surrounding the gums
  • Re-mineralize the teeth

The best dentist Surprise, AZ best recommends a mouthwash for use by the whole family.

Consuming A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet involves having fruits and vegetables as part of your meals. Crunchy vegetables like carrots help get the jaws working and also contain good healthy fiber. It is also advisable to limit acidic foods since they can erode the enamel. Sugary foods in excess are also discouraged as they support bacterial growth.

Drinking Clean, Pure Water

Clean, pure water is recommended as a substitute for sweet fizzy drinks. The sugar in fizzy drinks and sweets is a significant contributor to the development of dental caries, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Taking water after meals also helps dislodge food particles stuck between the teeth and improve oral hygiene. Avoid over mineralized well or borehole water since it may contain excessive fluoride. Excess fluoride stains teeth and is also harmful to your health.

Quitting Smoking

Whereas smoking may look cool, nicotine found in cigarettes has been found to cause plaque buildup and tartar formation at the tooth base. Plaque and tartar then lead to other oral diseases. Cigarette smoking has also been implicated in oral cancer and even throat cancer. Additionally, nicotine and tar found in cigarettes is the most common cause of lung cancer.

Dentist Visits At Least Bi-annually

Preventive dental care involves scheduled dentist visits at least once every six months. As a form of preventive dentistry, visiting your dentist’s office will help prevent any serious dental problems from occurring. Additionally, it will help in early detection and consequently early treatment of oral disorders.

Dental visits may involve:

  • Regular dental cleanings
  • Fluoride treatments and sealants to protect teeth from tartar, plaque and decay
  • X-ray imaging services that allow for the detection of potential dental problems so as to prevent their occurrence

Dentists also suggest proper eating habits to protect and preserve your teeth. Consequently, you will maintain good oral and dental health. Dental visits may also be an avenue for teeth whitening surprise and dental implant surprise. Frequent dentist visits will create a rapport between you and your doctor. The latter will be advantageous as you may be rewarded with discounts or free procedures due to customer loyalty.

Preventive Dental Care and Oral Health

Good dental hygiene dramatically reduces the risk of getting dental caries, gingivitis, and tooth loss. Proper teeth hygiene also mitigates instances of bad breath, periodontitis, and other dental problems.

On the other hand, bad oral hygiene has been associated with some secondary health problems such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Respiratory disease
  • Cancer
  • Premature birth and low birth weight

Prevention is always better than cure. Practice preventive dental care to improve your oral and general health and, most importantly, save you money. Preventive dentistry will not eradicate the need for restorative dental treatments like fillings, dental implants, or root canals, but it goes a long way in reducing their necessity.

Dentist at the Well Bell Dental Care offer will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity accorded to all patients in equal measure. Our dentists are well-accredited and our services are top-notch. These services are offered at pocket-friendly prices and we offer discounts to our loyal clients. Visit our offices today or schedule a visit with Well Bell Dental Care.